Donated to the public domain by the notorious Alexander Baron (born 1956).
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The main subject tonight was the lunatic fringe, as above, but I dealt with a lot of other issues, mostly from the news beginning with the latest scam of Rape Crisis Scotland to boost convictions at the expense of due process followed by some other news stories, sad and amusing in equal measure, including the Virginia Roberts/Prince Andrew scam.
I played sundry video clips here and there.
I covered the Hampstead Satanic abuse case and the involvement of the tragic Sabine McNeill including the day I attended her trial at Southwark, and the lunatics I met there. I mispronounced Neelu Berry’s name.
I covered the case of Melanie Shaw and played part of a video clip (audio only of course) of one of her victims.
I gave some space to the Hollie Greig case then mentioned certifiable nutter Esther Baker followed by Ted Gunderson, then Fiona Barnett. Then I dealt with some genuine cases. The contrast is stark.
I finished with some discussion of sex trafficking, in particular the fantasists, attention-seekers and con-women who infest YouTube.